Glossary A to Z

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What is Polkadot?

Through the use of the Polkadot platform, various blockchains can share and combine their security while transferring messages, including money, in an untrusted manner. Polkadot is a multi-chain, heterogeneous, scalable solution. There are no presumptions regarding the structure or nature of the chains in the network, and it is completely customizable.

Polkadot has experienced tremendous growth and was one of the best-performing crypto assets in 2021. It happened because of the introduction of a variety of cutting-edge trading tools and technology to the cryptocurrency market. Polkadot (DOT) prices rose quickly from early December 2020 to May 2021, when they hit an all-time high of 47.9 USD. Due to several causes, the value of DOT later fell to 11 USD in that year.

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