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Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attack

What is DDoS Attack?

One of the main ways to disrupt the current Internet is through a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) assault. A bad actor can make a website or service unavailable by flooding a target with fictitious traffic. Cryptocurrencies are a prominent target for assault because of their prominence and value.

DDoS assaults are conducted using networks of computers linked to the Internet. These networks are made up of computers and other gadgets that have been infected with malware, allowing an attacker to remotely manipulate them (such as IoT gadgets). These individual machines are known as bots, and a botnet is a collection of bots.

Once a botnet has been created, the attacker can control an attack by giving each bot remote commands.

Each bot sends requests to the target's IP address when the botnet targets a victim's server or network. It may overwhelm the system, depriving regular traffic of service.

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