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Paper Wallet

What is Paper Wallet?

A paper wallet is a real system for storing cryptocurrency's private keys. It offers a way to securely store individual keys to your virtual assets. The term "paper wallet" refers to the fact that keys are written or printed on pieces of paper. The keys can be kept in their original, raw alphanumeric form. Or you can print them as a QR code. Despite being incredibly secure when maintained in a secure location, paper wallets are becoming less common as crypto storage technology progresses. As much as possible, refrain from creating a paper wallet from any electronic source. Creating a paper wallet—even if it's only a printing file—will create a digital trail that hackers can use against you.

Instead, writing down your recovery seed phrase or the private key from your screen or device is the safest approach to making a paper wallet. Double-check it. Then stow it away safely.

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