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What is Tron?

Tron is a decentralized blockchain-based digital platform with its currency, Tronix or TRX. In 2017, Tron was established by the Tron Foundation, a non-profit company with headquarters in Singapore. To host a world entertainment network for the economically priced interchange of digital content is its purpose.

Peer-to-peer (P2P) network technology and blockchain features are combined in Tron to eliminate middlemen and let content creators sell their goods directly to consumers. Apps from the Tron platform are made by programmers using the Solidity language.

Tronix, sometimes known as TRX, is the network's currency. Through the use of TRX, network users can pay content creators directly for access to their applications. Producers of content are not charged transaction fees by Tron. Users have a choice of desktop, mobile, or hardware wallets to keep their crypto holdings safe.

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