Glossary A to Z

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What is SEC?

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the United States is a separate governmental regulatory body. It is in charge of defending people and organizations from market manipulation. Its goals are to safeguard investors, keep markets obedient and effective, and promote capital formation.

After the 1929 Wall Street Crash, Congress established the SEC in 1934. The protection of investors and their exchange assets is therefore their primary concern. Through mutual funds, retirement accounts, and other assets, American families control more than 58% of the US equities market, which is why the SEC's role is crucial.

The SEC mandates that all market participants periodically provide the comprehensive and current information that investors require to make confident and well-informed investment decisions as part of this objective. The SEC defends investors by upholding federal securities laws to punish wrongdoers and stop future misbehavior.

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