Glossary A to Z

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What is Profit/Loss?

Profit and Loss provide details on how your cryptocurrency portfolio performed over a given time frame. It compares the Position Value and the Net Value Inflow for each cryptocurrency to track the performance of your portfolio.

The discrepancy between the value of your position and the net value of inflow is the total profit and loss. The calculation would take into account both your realized and unrealized gains.

An income statement includes the following information:

  • Revenue from sales: Funds received by the business for products or services.
  • Cost of goods sold: These are the expenses directly related to producing the commodities that are sold.
  • Gross profit: The amount from sales income that is left over after deducting the cost of the items sold.
  • Operating Expenses: Costs associated with the primary activities of the business.
  • Operating income: Earnings before taxes and interest.
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