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Lachesis Consensus

What is Lachesis Consensus?

The DAG-based aBFT consensus algorithm Lachesis provides real advantages over the Nakamoto and Classical models. It is Byzantine Fault Tolerant, asynchronous, leaderless, and final.

Lachesis is made to be simple to integrate into programs written in any programming language. The state machine replication part can be handled by Lachesis while developers concentrate on creating the application logic. Lachesis establishes connections with other Lachesis nodes to ensure that all of them carry out the same orders in the same order. Peer-to-peer networking and a DAG aBFT consensus algorithm are used to achieve this.

Lachesis was designed to address the shortcomings of earlier consensus algorithms. For applications that require high throughput, quick finality, and bank-grade security, it is actually the best choice.

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